More than 48 hours notice - 100% refund
Less than 48 hours notice - 50% refund, 50% credit towards future class
If no contact is made - Dropped from class, NO refund shall be issued. Credit towards future classes will be applied.
If contact is made - Dropped from class, 50% refund, 50% credit towards future classes
More than 1 hour into class - Dropped from class, 100% refund, student may re-enroll at a later date
Less than 1 hour into class - Student may elect to complete class, remediation may be given at instructor's discretion
More than 1 hour into class - 50% refund, student may coordinate with instructor to complete the remainder
Less than 1 hour into class - 100% refund.
EARLY DEPARTURE (safety violation):
1st occurrence - Dropped from class, 100% refund.
2nd occurrence - Dropped from class, NO refund, banned from further enrollment
LATER CLASS START (Range issues, weather delay, unavoidable traffic issues, etc.):
Less than 30min - No refund, class will be conducted, remediation given as necessary
30-60min - 25% refund to ALL students
More than 60min - 100% refund to ALL students, class cancelled.